Make your Word documents self-correcting with TeacherMade

Self-correcting assignments
with TeacherMade

Many teachers have their hard drive full of old Word documents that were made to be printed and given to students on paper. The usage of these documents is declining at a furious pace, but that does not mean that they have become useless! They just need to be heated up a bit, and then they can be used many more times! This guide will show you how to turn your old Word documents into self-correcting assignments

Self correcting assignments

How to create self-correcting assignments

I recently read about TeacherMade in a Facebook group, and since I have already tested a plethora of similar tools, my expectations were moderate, to say the least. But I was actually pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to use and as a bonus, it was free for real (no hidden costs!). The idea behind TeacherMade is simple. It simply converts your old Word documents (or pdf’s) into interactive and self-correcting documents that can be shared in Google Classroom.
Once you have created your interactive document, you can click on “My worksheets”. You then select “assign” in the drop-down list, and you will have the choice if you want to publish the assignment in Google Classroom or if you want to send a link to the students. When the student want to work on their assignment, they are taken directly to the worksheet and may get started on their assignment.
“Use the same assignments that you usually do – just heat them up a bit!”
Unfortunately, there is no way to collect students’ results and send them on to the learning platform, but TeacherMade have promised that this function will come in October 2020. So far, as a teacher you can go back to TeacherMade and click on the assignment to see the students result.
There are plenty of great features in TeacherMade, but it bothered me that students are limited to one try on each assignment. If they try to go back to the spreadsheet, they will be met by a message that says they have already completed the task. The teacher can unlock the exercise manually, but it feels like an unnecessary step that TeacherMade should remove. Naturally, it would be better to work on their assignments as many times as they wanted! Despite this, I want to give TeacherMade a very high rating! It is so easy to create different types of spreadsheets that suit different subjects, and I like that TeacherMade allows me to make fair use of all my old documents. For that, I love it!

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